Yearly Archives: 2005 View All Years

Department of Revenue Implements Largest Tax Type into New Computer System
After two years of continuous computer programming and several successes with smaller tax types, the Montana Department of Revenue is now ready to convert its largest tax type–individual income tax– into its new Integrated Revenue Information System (IRIS) on October 3.

Revenue Department Tax System Updated
The new Integrated Revenue Information System (IRIS) enables the state to look at all tax types paid by single taxpayers.

Crippled Tax Computer System Nearly Replaced
Delinquent taxpayers will get monthly bills from the Department of Revenue starting in November, under the latest phase of a new tax accounting computer system unveiled Wednesday.

State Tax Agency Gets New Computer System Aimed at Improving Service and Compliance
State Revenue Commissioner Tom Surtees announced today that the Alabama Department of Revenue has contracted with Fast Enterprises for installation of a new integrated tax computer system that will replace the department’s automated system within the next five years.

Louisiana Department of Revenue Wins FTA Award for Technology Applications
The Federation of Tax Administrators announced today that the Louisiana Department of Revenue is winner of the 2005 FTA Award for Technology Applications in State Tax Administration.

It’s Tax Season It’s Hot in the DELTA. Find out how Louisiana’s Department of Revenue Stays Cool, Ca
The Louisiana Department of Revenue simplifies processes and nets big returns from its integrated tax system.