Yearly Archives: 2021 View All Years

Finnish VALMIS program awarded Silver Medal at the IPMA Global Project Excellence Awards
The Finnish Tax Administration’s VALMIS program, made possible by software from Fast Enterprises, was awarded the Silver Medal, naming it the second best project in the world by the International Project Management Association (IPMA) Global Project Excellence Awards. As part of the process, IPMA based their assessment on project objectives, results, and other aspects as well as interviews with project members. Congratulations to the Finnish project on such a prestigious award!

How New Zealand Partnered with FAST to Integrate Tax and Child Support
Nearly seven years ago, New Zealand’s Inland Revenue (IR) agency began its partnership with Fast Enterprises to implement a “total makeover” and replacement of the nation’s entire tax system. The IR Transformation Programme is entering its final year, and Greg James—a deputy director who manages the project—is confident that it will be completed on time and below budget. The project not only replaces the software used by IR, but it is also transforming many business processes, including legislation and organizational design.

Fast Enterprises Delivers Cloud-Based Personal Income Tax System for Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania’s tax system modernization project achieved a major milestone in November with the implementation of personal income tax processing in the state’s cloud-based solution from Fast Enterprises (FAST), a provider of essential software and services for citizens and government.