Yearly Archives: 2014 View All Years

Fast Enterprises Surpasses 500 Employees, Announces Two Associate Partner Promotions
Government software and consulting services provider Fast Enterprises, LLC (FAST) recently announced the hiring of its 500th employee, as well as associate partner promotions for two veteran employees—Dan DeKeyrel, the company’s chief financial officer, and Maggie Gleason, a senior FAST project manager.

Glassdoor Names Fast Enterprises to 2014 ‘Best Company’ and ‘Highest-Rated CEOs’ Lists
Online jobs and career community Glassdoor has named government software and consulting services provider Fast Enterprises, LLC (FAST) to its 2014 Best Places to Work list. FAST is ranked eighth on Glassdoor’s 50 Best Medium-Sized Companies to Work For, which is based entirely on anonymous employee feedback in areas such as job satisfaction, career opportunities, pay and benefits, company culture, work-life balance, and company leadership. Glassdoor also named FAST’s managing partner, Martin Rankin, to its 2014 list of Highest Rated CEOs at Small & Mid-Sized Companies.

In the Fast Lane: The State of Arkansas Partners with Fast Enterprises to Bring Its Computer System
As part of its partnership with Fast Enterprises, LLC, the State of Arkansas has introduced a new computer system to handle its driver and vehicle services records. This solution grew out of Fast Enterprises’ implementation of the Arkansas Integrated Revenue System (AIRS), which in 2004 replaced Arkansas’ previous expensive and out-of-date tax computer system for the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration (DFA).

New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division to Modernize Information Systems to Better Serve Customers
State Taxation and Revenue Secretary Demesia Padilla today announced that the Motor Vehicle Division has entered into an agreement with Fast, a Colorado-based company, to modernize its information systems and to improve customer satisfaction.

$90 million computer upgrade to improve Oregon tax collections is on track, official says
FAST Enterprises, a Colorado-based software company, is providing what Smith described as an “off-the-shelf” computer system used by more than a dozen other state revenue agencies. He said one of the goals is to keep any customized programming to a minimum.